• 加拿大技术移民评估表
    Skilled Worker Evaluation Form

    快速移民通道简单、快捷、高效;通过该系统,可以让拥有一定技术且符合条件的申请人,在6个月内移民加拿大。魁北克省,每年为加拿大接纳超过5万名新移民。Express Entry is a simplified, fast and efficient immigration selection system offering permanent residence in 6-months to qualified skilled workers. The Province of Quebec admits 50,000 immigrants to Canada each year.


Complete the following questionnaire and receive in 1-2 days a free assessment of your qualifications for Canadian permanent residence under the Express Entry System, the Quebec Immigration Program and Provincial Nominee Programs.

技术移民评估表 Skilled Worker Evaluation Form

技术移民评估表 Skilled Worker Evaluation Form

个人信息 Personal Information

语言能力 Ability in English and French

英语水平 English Ability

法语水平 French Ability

教育背景 Educational Profile

工作背景 Employment History

其他信息 Other

上传简历 Upload CV